My experience and training

I have practised yoga off and on for many years but it only really became a consistent practice for me around 2018 after the birth of my third child. My yoga mat became my place to catch my breathe, to move my body and to let go of the endless chatter in my mind.

Never intending to teach but keen to deepen my practise and understanding of yoga I embarked on my 200 hour Hatha yoga teacher training in 2019. I soon discovered that I loved to teach and feel so fortunate to be able to share my love of yoga and see the benefits it brings to so many people – mentally and physically. 

Since completing my 200 hours yoga teacher training, I have continued to study to expand my knowledge and experience, completing trainings in:

– Kids Yoga teacher training with Rainbow yoga training

– Parent and baby yoga teacher training with Birthlight

– Advanced 100 hours yoga teacher training with Skyblue Yoga

– Level 1 – Sound Healing with Tessa Sound Healing Spa

– 200 hours Heart and Bones Yoga teacher training

My latest training with Heart and Bones Yoga had a strong emphasis on building strength, mobility and stability into our practice and into our everyday lives. As we go through different chapters of our life and as we age our body naturally changes so being able to adapt our yoga practice to suit our needs is something I feel very passionate about and I try to offer many options for different bodies in my classes.

I think I will be the forever student…. always eager to learn more and bring what I learn into my classes.


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